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Khimprom today

PJSC "Khimprom" is one of the key enterprises of the Russian chemical industry recognized globally.

The company's development strategy is focused on manufacturing products with high added value, building new and improving existing production facilities, implementing investment projects, creating new products demanded by the industry and expanding the product portfolio.

PJSC "Khimprom" is actively engaged in research and development in the field of chemistry, energy efficiency and environmental protection. The company has its own research center and highly qualified staff.

The main production complexes are inorganic, organic, organochlorine, organophosphorus, organosilicon, rubber chemicals, surfactants, as well as reagents for power system, oil-producing and petrochemical industries. The plant develops the largest in Russia production of hydrogen peroxide, which meets international standards and requirements of textile and pulp and paper.

PJSC “Khimprom” focuses on a high level of business culture - modern standards of corporate management, quality control and customer service. The company's products are competitive in the global market. More than 20% of sales are export to more than 37 countries of the world. The quality management system has been certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

The company has rich history and traditions, unique corporate culture and responsibility. PJSC “Khimprom” provides a high level of social guarantees aimed at the development and professional growth, preservation and strengthening of the health of workers and their families.

Since 2008, PJSC “Khimprom” is a member of the international program “Responsible Care”.

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